Sunday, July 17, 2005

More Post Match Quotes

I was really pleased with the team work, and the willingness to help each other, even though it was so hot. Our passing let us down on times, but overall the commitment and attitude from the players and the supporters was excellent. Everyone should feel proud-----Roger Evans

Come On You Whites!!---Joanne McCarroll

Considering the quality of the opposition, I thought we played superb. Commanches were top drawer at times today, and they just managed to hold us off. For me, Karim, Jordan, Anthony and Harley were the main men, but all the new lads were quality.----Tariq Hussain

I was very proud of the whole team's attitude especially off the pitch. The warmth and respect they gave towards my daughter Joanne was fantastic. She really enjoyed today. Special thanks to Jess-----Tracey McCarroll

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